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23-24 OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖 全球颁奖盛典伦敦站圆满落地

2024-10-08 09:07 未知 业界动态 编辑:小智 浏览数:环球艺术网

 OFA WORLD AWARD Global Ceremony Successfully Held in London 2024年9月29日,OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖全球颁奖盛典及艺术展在伦敦Barbican Centre以及附近的the Old Street Gallery圆满落幕。此次活动由O...


Global Ceremony Successfully Held in London


2024年9月29日,OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖全球颁奖盛典及艺术展在伦敦Barbican Centre以及附近的the Old Street Gallery圆满落幕。此次活动由OFA全球执行团队精心组织策划,汇集了众多艺术家、设计师及远道而来的观众,共同庆祝青年新锐艺术家杰出成就。

On 29th September, 2024, OFA WORLD AWARD Global Ceremony and Art Exhibition was held successfully at the Barbican Centre and the Old Street Gallery in London. The event organized by the OFA global team, which brought together many artists, designers, and audiences to celebrate outstanding global art achievements.

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图为伦敦巴比肯艺术中心艺术以及颁奖典礼现场(Barbican Centre & Scene of OFA Ceremony)

OFA WORLD AWARD 新锐艺术设计大奖伦敦展作品经过组委会层层选拔,最终选择出了14位优秀的青年艺术家作品在伦敦进行亮相,本届创作以“REBORN”重获新生为主题,旨在鼓励用艺术再次撰写新生活,同时,OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖组委会特邀资深艺术家二喜的艺术原创作品也被OFA创意团队制作成了限定明信片作为现场来宾的特别伴手礼。

The London exhibition features work from the OFA WORLD AWARD’s shortlisted works by its committee and only 14 artists’ work were chosen to be shown in London Art Tour in the theme of “REBORN” of this year which encourages to recreate a new life by the tool of art creativity. Moreover, a special visual artist called “ERXI” was sincerely invited by OFA committee for offering the creation and design for a limited edition of POSTCARD as the check-in gift for the coming audiences.

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活动开始前,嘉宾们到达Barbican Centre艺术长廊对获奖作品有了短暂的前瞻并在VIP室稍作休息后,颁奖典礼于13:40如期在会场拉开帷幕。OFA WORLD AWARD组委会主席林沛女士(Jammie LIN)给到场嘉宾致以简单诚挚的欢迎辞后,杨惠超、王洲蕊、Miranda Zhao等到场艺术家逐一进行现场展演,引发了观众与艺术专业人士的热烈讨论。

Before the event, guests arrived at the Barbican Centre Art Gallery to have a brief preview of the chosen works and then took a rest in the VIP room. The award ceremony officially began at 13:40 in the venue, with the association's chairman, Ms Pei LIN (Jammie Lin), giving a warm and sincere welcome to the attendees.  Huichao YANG, Zhourui WANG, Miranda ZHAO and other award-winning artists then gave on-site and remote performances to the audience and art professionals.

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以上为到场艺术家展演现场:王洲蕊展示珠宝设计理念、杨惠超展示手绘插画立体书、Miranda ZHAO(7岁)展示个人绘画作品

Zhourui WANG shared her inspiration of Jewelry Design work、Huichao YANG was shown her 3D illustration book and Miranda ZHAO(7-year-old)presented her painting on stage

除此以外,Wenzhao BI、Daolong CHEN、Jiaqi GUO、Olivia DENG、Ruoyi SONG、Timothy Qilin ZHANG、Tianyuan ZHANG、Duanyang HAO、Nuolin XIAO、Zishan HAO等艺术家在用线上视频的方式介绍了他们的作品以及创作理念(完整艺术作品请到OFA官方网站进行线上观展)。精彩的作品以及创作灵感频频引起在场观众的掌声与赞叹,典礼后,观众也移步到VIP室以及gallery进行了细致的赏析。

Moreover, Wenzhao BI、Daolong CHEN、Jiaqi GUO、Olivia DENG、Ruoyi SONG、Timothy Qilin ZHANG、Tianyuan ZHANG、Duanyang HAO、Nuolin XIAO、Zishan HAO introduced their works and creative concepts through online video presentations. The excellent works drew continuous applause and admiration from the audiences. After the ceremony, all the audiences moved to VIP room and gallery for their art works.(Please visit OFAWORLDAWARD website for online exhibition)

法国资深艺术家Simon Renault作为艺术家评委带来了自己的作品且做了简单的介绍,同时他对本次活动的获奖作品进行了点评,并表达了对新锐艺术家们诚挚的祝福。

Simon Renault, artist from France who presented as a jury member, brought his works to make a brief introduction. Meanwhile, he made a short critique of the winning works and expressed his sincere wishes to the emerging artists.

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主席同艺术家嘉宾共同揭晓了本次大奖最具含金量的三个大奖,分别是:张天圆荣获最佳可持续发展项目奖,杨惠超被评为年度最佳设计师,而毕文钊则摘得了年度最佳艺术家的桂冠。此外,其他杰出的艺术家如王洲蕊、Miranda Zhao也获得了“国际青年艺术家”奖牌。

Together with the artists and guests, the Chairman unveiled the three most influential awards: Tianyuan ZHANG obtained the Best Sustainable Initiative Award, Huichao YANG was named Designer of the Year, and Wenzhao BI got the Artist of the Year. In addition, other outstanding artists such as Zhurui WANG and Miranda ZHAO were also honored with the International Young Artist Award.

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During the final part of the award ceremony, a representative of Limmi Ksnow Gallery (Located in the Bund, Shanghai) was present to announce the Global Artist Touring Programme and announced that it will continue to promote the connection between emerging artists and the international art market through its global touring programmes in London, Shanghai and Beijing. Another surprising news is that the Limmi Ksnow Gallery will expand to London shortly and OFA president shared that they would directly invite the OFA artists to be curated in the London Gallery .

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晚上20:00,OFA WORLD AWARD艺术派对在the Old Street Gallery如火如荼进行,活动吸引了大量观众和艺术业内人士的参与,为伦敦新锐艺术家计划增添了新的亮点。

The OFA After Party was held at the Old Street Gallery at 20:00 pm, the event attracted a lot of audiences and professionals in the art industry, which became another highlight of the London Emerging Artists Programme.

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此次OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖全球艺术巡展计划为来自全世界的青年艺术家提供了一个展示才华的平台,也进一步强化了伦敦作为全球艺术之都的地位。未来,OFA WORLD AWARD新锐艺术设计大奖将继续通过其全球艺术网络,推动国际艺术的交流与发展。

The plan of OFA WORLD AWARD global art tour provided a platform for young & pioneer artists from all over the world to showcase their talents and further strengthened London's position as a global art capital. In the future, OFA will insist on promoting international art communication and development through its global art network.

OFA WORLD AWARD 新锐艺术设计大奖介绍

OFA WORLD AWARD 新锐艺术设计大奖是一项针对新锐艺术、设计爱好者的国际艺术展演活动,以“热爱艺术、温暖世界”为活动宗旨,通过每年一届的全球展演,在全球范围内发掘具有艺术素养和文艺潜质的青年艺术家们。

Introduction of OFA WORLD AWARD

OFA WORLD AWARD is an international art exhibition and performance event targeting young & pioneer artists and designers. "Love Art, Warm the World." is the fundamental idea of the event that aims to discover young artists with outstanding artistic and cultural talent worldwide through annual global exhibitions.

OFA Global Team

策展人Curator:林沛Jammie LIN

联合策展人Co-curator:苏宸Chen SU

盛典主持人Host of Ceremony:陈瑜潞Yulu CHEN、、Yujie YANG、Laura YANG

策展协助Curator Assistant: 蓝铠澄Kaicheng LAN、张子雯Ziwen ZHANG、于亚奇Yaqi YU、彭嘉欣Jiaxin PENG、陈思聆Siling CHEN、Esther CHANG、洪莞絨Wan-Jung, Hung

摄影摄像Photo and video by:洪莞絨Wan-Jung, Hung、海若盈Ruoying HAI、杜逸桐Yitong DU、李凤佼Fengjiao LI、唐博文Bowen TANG、Xuanyu YANG

媒体编辑Media Editor:彭嘉欣Jiaxin PENG、陈思聆Siling CHEN

特别鸣谢全球Special thanks to every OFA Global Volunteers

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