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笔墨丹青 • 珍爱和平 国际和平艺术推选人物周咏梅

2025-01-08 18:39 未知 业界动态 编辑:小智 浏览数:171环球艺术网

 周咏梅,女,1994年进入外企。1995年用业余时间跟中央美院庞老师学习绘画。 Zhou Yongmei ,female, she was employed in foreign capital enterprise since 1994 .And from 1995, she started learning oil paintings from Teache...


Zhou Yongmei ,female, she was employed in foreign capital enterprise since 1994 .And from 1995, she started learning oil paintings from Teacher Pang of Central Academy of Fine Arts in her  free time .



Since 2015, Zhou yongmei had started to publish her poetry in China Poetry Network, pen name Yizhi. In 2015, she published her book Smart touch of Finger , one collection of poetry and paintings , which was published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House  and which had been collected by China Modern Literature Museum and the National Library of China etc.  In November of 2015, she participated as artist to promote the book of Smart touch of Finger in WuBaiYi network . And in 2016, she had published another collection poems of Fierce wind by calm rain with flying flower,which was published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing House as well.



In October of 2017, her poem of the dance step of Von Goethe was collected by the collection of China strength poet by 2017. In May of 2018, Zhou Yongmei had published her collection of poetry of the beauty image of Pessoa . In June of 2018, she participated the Hong Kong international artist exhibition in 2018 , and during the time she was interviewed by The Dagong Daily , which was open published in the newspaper of Dagong Daily the next day . In 2019, she published the books of Banquet of Venus, which was published by Yunnan Fine Arts Publishing House.


2020年被中国互联网联盟授予2020年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”。2020年担任中华卫视艺术风采栏目艺术总监,2021年春节参加央视和高铁共同举办的《品牌中国行-春节特别节目》栏目携代表作品《恋》在三亚高铁向全国人民拜年。2021年3月作品被选入《中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会年鉴2020》。2021.07.18参加第二十一届世纪大采风年度盛典,并被授予“当代艺坛优秀典范人物“荣誉称号。2021.08.09 被聘为北京世纪采风书画院副院长。2021.10月  被授予《时代楷模.笔尖下的中国》奖杯。2021.10.18 参加中国传统文化高峰论坛并被授予”博鳌中国当代德艺双馨艺术家“荣誉称号。

In 2020, Zhou Yongmei was granted the “Annual Best” of contributing figures all universal circles . And in same year, she was appointed as “Artistic Style” program on China Satellite TV. In 2021, she participated the active of Brand around China -special column of Spring festival which was organized by CCTV and CRH jointly,  and in the Sanya high speed railway station , she greeted New Year to people all over the country with her master piece of be-in-love . In March of 2021, her oil painting was selected to the 2020 year book of calligraphy and painting artistic committee of national architecture Institute of china . And in July 18,2021, she participated the 21th Great collection of China and was granted honor title of the “exemplary figure contemporary China”. In Aug 09 of 2021, Zhou yongmei was appointed as associate dean of Painting Calligraphy Academy of the Great Gathering of Chinese Century . In Oct 2021, she was granted “Cup of Role Model of Time-pen China”. And in Oct,18 2021, she was also granted the title of “Artists of Both Virtue and Art of Boao Contemporary China.


2022.01 被央媒文化组委会聘为央媒文化组委会艺术顾问。2022.03 出版《时代楷模.笔尖下的中国》个人画册, 由中国文化出版社出版。2022.05  被央广国际文化交流艺术委员会聘为央广国际文化交流艺术委员会副主席。2023.04 被聘为央广文旅国际合作发展中心客座教授及央广文旅国际合作发展中心形象大使。2023.05 参加中央电视塔《文化强国 我在行动》的拍摄。2023.06 受聘为央广文旅国际合作发展中心评估专家。2023.07 受邀出现2023品牌强国论坛,被授予“2023品牌强国书画杰出人物”荣誉证 书。2023.07 出版专刊《中国文化人物-周咏梅的经典名作》,含诗歌、油画作品及文创品。由中国文化出版社出版。2023.10,油画作品《回望》被中国文化品牌研究发展中心专家评委鉴定符合艺术专业标准,作品录入国宝档案存档。

In Jan of 2021, she was appointed as “ Artist Advisor” of Central Media Culture Organizing Committee . In March of 2022. she published her individual painting collection of exemplary figure contemporary -pen of China, which was published by China Culture Publishing House. In April of 2023, she was appointed as “Vice Chairman” of the Art Committee of China National Radio International Cultural Exchange Network. And in April of 2023, she was appointed as “Visiting Professor” and “Image ambassador” by International Cooperation and Development Center for Culture and Tourism. In May of 2023, she participated shooting activities of Culture Power-I am in action CCTV Tower.  In Jun of 2023, she was appointed as “Evaluation Expert of international Cooperation and development Center for Culture and Tourism. In Jul of 2023, she was invited to attend the forum of Brand Power 2023 and was granted certificate of “Outstanding Figure” of Brand Power 2023 China.  And in same year, she published her book of special issue which contains her poem, oil paintings and cultural creative products, which was published by China Culture Publishing House. In Oct of 2023, her oil painting of Looking back was identified to comply with arts standards by experts judges of China Cultural Brand Research and Development Center,  and the painting of Looking back was included in National Treasure Archives .


上一篇:古今胜国际拍卖客户藏品展示- 24006【张大千 仕女图】







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